Beware holiday foods, ornaments, plants

#Middlebury DEAR PAW’S CORNER: Please remind your readers of how important it is to keep their pets away from holiday foods. Some foods, like chocolate, can be deadly poisonous ... Continue Reading →

Keep Halloween candy away from pets

#Middlebury #HalloweenCandy DEAR PAW’S CORNER: Halloween is upon us again, and while the tricks and treats are fun for kids, they can be dangerous for our pets. Please remind ... Continue Reading →

Emergency help available for hungry pets

#Middlebury #Pets DEAR PAW’S CORNER: So many people are out of work right now, and there is little to no assistance available to them just to pay rent, much less buy food for ... Continue Reading →

New Year’s resolutions for happy, healthy pets

#Middlebury #Pets #NewYear DEAR READERS: As we close out one of the most tumultuous and stressful years of our lives, let’s look back and remember how much peace and joy our pets ... Continue Reading →

Small holiday gatherings can still stress pets

#Middlebury #Pets #Holiday DEAR PAW’S CORNER: This year, we are only going to have a few family members over on Christmas Day. In past years, I’ve put our dog, cat and rabbit ... Continue Reading →

Have fun outdoors with pets while social distancing

#Middlebury DEAR PAW’S CORNER: Even though stay-at-home orders have been lifted in my state, we still have to social distance when out in public. Where can I take my dog, Blake, ... Continue Reading →

Sheltering pets during a disaster

#Middlebury #Pets DEAR PAW’S CORNER: I just moved to a new part of the country, where natural disasters like floods are more frequent than I’m used to. When checking out ... Continue Reading →

Should one give CBD treats to pets?

#Middlebury #Pets DEAR PAW’S CORNER: Should I give my dog CBD-infused pet treats to calm his anxiety? What other methods are available for giving CBD to pets? – Carlos in San ... Continue Reading →

Cooped up toddlers torment pets

#Middlebury #Pets DEAR PAW’S CORNER: My toddlers will not stop tormenting our pets! They chase the cat and pull his tail; they dive-bomb the dog and scare her every time she lays ... Continue Reading →

Expert: CBD oil could damage pets’ eyes

#Middlebury #Pets DEAR PAW’S CORNER: Your recent article about giving CBD oil to pets omitted an important factor: its effect on the eyes. Past research has shown that CBD causes ... Continue Reading →