Turn tomatoes into gourmet delights

#MiddleburyCT #RoastTomatoGazpacho #Diva’sTomatoJam Few treats are sweeter than a perfectly ripe tomato. Depending on where you live, it’s approaching that time of year ... Continue Reading →

Avocado tuna stack is perfect summer meal

#Middlebury #Tuna With food prices rising across the board, it’s nice to see that (so far) the price of canned tuna remains affordable. In fact, I bet you have a can or two in ... Continue Reading →

The 15-minute meal miracle – Molletes

#Middlebury #Mollettes Here’s the question, “I need dinner, now! What can I make that’s inexpensive, faster than the drive-thru and just as tasty?” Here’s my answer, ... Continue Reading →