The government shouldn’t limit sodium intake

#SodiumIntake #PSA #Finasteride #Prostate DEAR DR. ROACH: I read in a health journal that large amounts of sodium are unhealthy for one’s diet. The government standard is no more ... Continue Reading →

Yellow lenses helpful for macular degeneration

#Middlebury #MacularDegeneration #Prostate DEAR DR. ROACH: I have an elderly friend who’s becoming blind from macular degeneration. After hearing of a particularly frustrating ... Continue Reading →

Some prostate cancers aggressive; some slow-growing

#Middlebury DEAR DR. ROACH: Every year, I used to get a physical, which included a prostate exam as well as blood tests with PSA. When my doctor retired, I had a hard time finding a ... Continue Reading →

Office test alone can’t diagnose COPD

#Middlebury #Health DEAR DR. ROACH: I am a healthy 70-year-old woman. The only prescription medication I take is for dry eyes. I recently visited my new primary physician for the first ... Continue Reading →

Prostate-shrinking medicines and cancer

#Middlebury #Health DEAR DR. ROACH: I’ve had low-grade prostate cancer for several years and am presently on “active surveillance.” My PSAs have been high but steady, running ... Continue Reading →

‘Cotton Ball’ sensation is a sign of neuropathy

#Middlebury #Health DEAR DR. ROACH: I’m a 63-year-old male diagnosed with chronic myelogenous leukemia, Type 2 diabetes and coronary heart disease. I am 5 feet, 11 inches and ... Continue Reading →

Persistent cough can be tricky to treat

#Middlebury #Health DEAR DR. ROACH: I went through many tests for a cough that lasted for 30 years. No treatments worked. The only sign my doctor could find was that my throat had scars ... Continue Reading →