Is my rabbit depressed?

#MiddleburyCT #Rabbit #Depression DEAR PAW’S CORNER: I took over the care of a rabbit named Chucky a few weeks ago, after the previous owner, my aunt, passed away. Since he got ... Continue Reading →

How long do rabbits live?

#MiddleburyCT #PetRabbits #NewRabbit DEAR PAW’S CORNER: I have a pet rabbit, Brownie, who is nearly 10 years old! He’s a Holland Lop, I think. He doesn’t do much at ... Continue Reading →

Celebrate fortune, happiness and health in the Chinese New Year

#MiddleburyCT #ChineseNewYear #EggFuYung This year, Chinese New Year begins on Sunday, Jan. 22 and will culminate with the Lantern Festival on Feb. 5 as we welcome the year of the Rabbit. You ... Continue Reading →

Small holiday gatherings can still stress pets

#Middlebury #Pets #Holiday DEAR PAW’S CORNER: This year, we are only going to have a few family members over on Christmas Day. In past years, I’ve put our dog, cat and rabbit ... Continue Reading →