Steroid injections provide amazing pain relief
#SteroidInjections #PainRelief #PneumoniaVaccine
DEAR DR. ROACH: I read your recent column on shingles. I am 66 and in fairly good health. I had both Shingrix shots about five years ... Continue Reading →
High troponin levels follow bout of food poisoning
#MiddleburyCT #HighTroponinLevels #Shingles #ChickenPox
DEAR DR. ROACH: I am a 77-year-old male who apparently suffered a case of food poisoning. I say apparently because no cause ... Continue Reading →
Shingles vaccine causes severe side effects
#Middlebury #Health
DEAR DR. ROACH: I received the first dose of Shingrix this week and had pretty severe side effects, though in the range of what can be expected: high fever (101.5), ... Continue Reading →
Chickenpox causes shingles risk
#Middlebury #Health
DEAR DR. ROACH: Do people who have never had chickenpox get shingles? – K.C.H.
ANSWER: Ninety-nine percent of people have had chickenpox and are at risk for shingles, ... Continue Reading →
New shingles vaccine can be hard to find
#Middlebury #Seniors #Shingles
Ninety-nine percent of us over the age of 40 had chickenpox when we were kids. That virus is still in our bodies … and it can reactivate at any ... Continue Reading →
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