Dive into Baja Fish Tacos

#MiddleburyCT #FishTacos Nothing evokes the joy of summer quite like a meal that transports you to the beach, and Baja Fish Tacos do just that. Originating from the coastal towns of ... Continue Reading →

‘Too Good to Be True’ Slow-Cooker Beef Tacos easy to make

#Middlebury #Tacos It’s finally time to share my family’s favorite “Too Good to Be True Slow-Cooker Beef Tacos” recipe. Passed on by word of mouth from one neighbor ... Continue Reading →

Now Here’s A Tip – July 10, 2018

#Middlebury Summer kids tip: Create an “I’m Bored” jar with ideas about things to do. Now when that phrase inevitably comes up, you’ll be ready with a quick solution. This ... Continue Reading →