Wildlife lecture will be this Friday, March 14

#WildlifeTalk #Bears #Coyotes #MiddleburyLandTrust The Middlebury Land Trust will host Master Wildlife Conservationist Ginny Apple for her presentation, “Things That Go Bump in the ... Continue Reading →

Will bells prevent cat attacks on wildlife?

#MiddleburyCT #Cats #Bells #Wildlife DEAR PAW’S CORNER: I’m writing about your recent article on the pack of outdoor cats that had started hunting in the person’s ... Continue Reading →

Holidays are for the birds

#Middlebury #MLT #Wildlife By JANINE SULLIVAN-WILEY The holiday season is upon us and our thoughts often turn to what we can get for the ones we love. If you love nature and the birds ... Continue Reading →

Outdoor cats risk more than disease

#Middlebury #Cats DEAR PAW’S CORNER: Your recent answer on whether cats can get COVID-19 is correct: There is very little data, and only a few recorded cases, of house pets testing ... Continue Reading →

Nuisance critters worry rural newcomer

#Middlebury #Wildlife DEAR PAW’S CORNER: I am relocating soon to rural Tennessee, in an area that the real estate agent said is filled with critters like raccoons, opossums, woodchucks, ... Continue Reading →

Watch for winter wildlife

#Middlebury #MiddleburyLandTrust By JANINE SULLIVAN-WILEY Two things make it easier to observe wildlife in the cold midwinter. Trees and shrubs that have shed their leaves make visibility ... Continue Reading →